Wednesday, December 03, 2014

How did we get here?

OK, so we have twice elected someone with white and black parents, and under his administration, race relations are as bad if not worse that they have been in my lifetime.

I believe that TPTB have purposely twisted the meme from people against a corrupt tyrannical government to blacks verses white.

"shit is fucked up and bullshit".

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Been away for awhile.
Government is still killing and stealing. No improvement there, though I did not expect it.
Been reading Murray Rothbard's Man Economy, and State. Almost done. He was a great man. Finished Mises Human Action.
The Austrians are the adults at the party for sure.
More later.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Well, if anyone ever reads this after the big change a'commin, I would be surprised.

The chaos that the failed monetary system created in 1971, is just getting started.

I am looking down the throat of this pit that is the future.

Right now, I have no hope that the brilliant ones that got us into this disaster, have the solution for getting us out.

It is going to be a long cold winter, I am afraid.

so obama or mccain...... I'll take the poison please.



Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ron Paul

Been away for a while.

Ron Paul is at the vanguard of the revolution.

In our name, the whores in Washington are torturing, killing, incarcerating, eaves dropping, stealing our earnings, debasing our currency, and so on.

The one man that has publicly pulled the rope in the other direction is Ron Paul. With the millions of Liberty loving individuals behind him, he can pull the rope further than he has as a lone Representative.

Nov 5th and Dec 16th are days in which we gave a great shout at the establishment - we will not be ignored any more!


Friday, November 17, 2006

Worship of the military empire

I often am struck with a thought when ever I hear about "the best and brightest" that serve in the military. When the draft exists, you theoretically get a cross section of society.

With the volunteer army, I don't think that as a rule, "the best and brightest" go into the military (I presume there are exceptions, but few)

I.E.: I think that Doctors, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Business men constitute the best and brightest of society, and that far less capable types go for the job that entails killing and being killed (especially in the pursuit of Empire). That said, here is a fun quote from the Debate On The Constitution. A letter to the Virginia Independent Chronicle (Richmond), February 17, 1788 entitled "The Impartial Examiner". This excerpt relates to the dangers of a standing army:

"It has ever been held that standing armies in times of peace are dangerous to a free country; and no observation seems to contain more reason in it. Besides being useless, as having no object of employment, they are inconvenient and expensive. The soldiery, who are generally composed of the dregs of the people, when disbanded, or unfit for military service, being equally unfit for any other employment, become extremely burthensome."

I personally think that unless we are invaded, there is no justifiable reason to fight for the country. Those that join the military are uneducated drones that have been brainwashed into thinking that the empire is good and just.

I think the government has a great interest in brainwashing people into worshiping the military. You get more recruits that way.


I saw my 6 yr old grandson this weekend, and he told me that "the solders are fighting for us so that we can be free".

My heart aches at the thought that this gang of liars and thieves are brainwashing my grandson with mandatory government education.

One day he will probably be forced to stand in front of bullets in some third world country doing the bidding of a wretched scoundrel who is called president.

What's so funny about peace love and understanding?

Friday, June 23, 2006

OK, Seriously, what form of Government are we, again?

Check out this Executive Order regarding
  • Activities to Promote Personal Fitness

  • I quote: " Sec. 2. Agency Responsibilities in Promoting Personal Fitness.
    (a) The Secretaries of Agriculture, Education, Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs, and the Director of the Office of National Drug Policy shall review and evaluate the policies, programs, and regulations of their respective departments and offices that in any way relate to the personal fitness of the general public. "

    Well, comrade, I guess this really is The Socialist Soviet United States of Amerika.

    I just want to say a hearty, Thanks to all you very effective, efficient Concerned Citizens that serve the public (read: serve themselves at the public trough), you wonderful guys and gals, you cute little piglets, Government Employees!

    I feel so much more comfortable, secure, feeling well about life because you thieves, know it alls, and ner'do'wells, are looking out for lil' 'ol me. Because of government education, most us little citizens are pretty child-like, unable to think clearly and logically. We need our security blanket and nannies to watch out for us.

    I grant that GEs perform a "service" (whether anyone would want to pay for it or not), but they are paid with stolen money.

    I also say that GEs do not pay income tax. Lets see ......

    I earn a living by cooperatively giving up my time, efforts, and ideas. My company compensates me for all that.

    But there is the fraud called gross income and net income. I am told my salary is one thing (gross), and my paycheck is another thing (net). That stolen money (gross minus net) goes in to a big Income Tax trough which through the confluence of stolen property from other forms of taxes, forms a mighty Tax Revenue trough.. Out of it comes the "gross" income of the little piglets. Ah, but skilled, IRS approved legerdemane gives the little piggy "net" income. They paid taxes you see, wink wink, nudge nudge.

    I say that this is BS.

    All of the money that goes to all the little pigs was stolen from private sector companies and individuals.

    The little piggies don't add a penny to the trough, they only take from it in the form of salaries and bonuses (Don't forget the bonus for jobs well done).

    Therefore, I conclude that they don't pay taxes, they just receive less stolen property (net income) than what was told to them (gross income).

    BTW: I also recognize that there are legitimate, Constitutional functions that need to be paid. As a patriotic citizen, I would gladly pay for the required functions that are Constitutional. Its just all this other crap, which the Executive Order above so aptly represents.

    Thanks for reading. No no, not you.

    Thursday, June 22, 2006


    "Democracy, is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
    H. L. Mencken
    He also defined elections as "an advance auction sale of stolen goods."

    Republicans in the House of Representatives forced everyone to spend an entire day discussing a non-binding resolution praising the troops and labeling Iraq part of the War on Terror. Later they will debate a resolution declaring kittens 'adorable'.
    — Jon Stewart, The Daily Show