Friday, November 17, 2006

Worship of the military empire

I often am struck with a thought when ever I hear about "the best and brightest" that serve in the military. When the draft exists, you theoretically get a cross section of society.

With the volunteer army, I don't think that as a rule, "the best and brightest" go into the military (I presume there are exceptions, but few)

I.E.: I think that Doctors, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Business men constitute the best and brightest of society, and that far less capable types go for the job that entails killing and being killed (especially in the pursuit of Empire). That said, here is a fun quote from the Debate On The Constitution. A letter to the Virginia Independent Chronicle (Richmond), February 17, 1788 entitled "The Impartial Examiner". This excerpt relates to the dangers of a standing army:

"It has ever been held that standing armies in times of peace are dangerous to a free country; and no observation seems to contain more reason in it. Besides being useless, as having no object of employment, they are inconvenient and expensive. The soldiery, who are generally composed of the dregs of the people, when disbanded, or unfit for military service, being equally unfit for any other employment, become extremely burthensome."

I personally think that unless we are invaded, there is no justifiable reason to fight for the country. Those that join the military are uneducated drones that have been brainwashed into thinking that the empire is good and just.

I think the government has a great interest in brainwashing people into worshiping the military. You get more recruits that way.


I saw my 6 yr old grandson this weekend, and he told me that "the solders are fighting for us so that we can be free".

My heart aches at the thought that this gang of liars and thieves are brainwashing my grandson with mandatory government education.

One day he will probably be forced to stand in front of bullets in some third world country doing the bidding of a wretched scoundrel who is called president.

What's so funny about peace love and understanding?

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