Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Whoa boy! Here we go!

Time has passed, we have passed through time.

Question: OK, so we dropped 2 500 lb bombs on Zaquari (sp?) and his family and friends, killing all, including a 5 year old "worth it" child. How come the "treasure trove" of documents weren't destroyed too?

I am firmly convinced that this current regime, and many previous "administrations", this gang of mobsters that steal our money for "protection", and stomps around the globe kicking up "terrorists", is criminal, and needs to be tried in an international court, modeled after the trials following WWII, for war crimes. Oh, don't forget about Afghanistan too!

I love what Walter Williams says when speeking about government policies and their unintended consequences: "that's a problem of too much socialism, not too much liberty".

It's funny, when I hear commentators speaking of the nut cake - crazy lunatic leading the country - I always think they are talking about America - turns out they mean Iran - ha ha : o {

Please don't take me the wrong way - I do not hate America and what the Constitution and Declaration of Independence represent and stand for; I do not hate people that once inhabited this land in greater numbers, that respect the sovereign rights of other individuals and in a broad sense, other peoples; No, I do feel that this country has been changed in a purposeful way towards Statism in the form of socialist social policy and economic fascism. I do hate that!

I really do think that the government is a very effective form of organized crime. And in spite of perceived clumsiness - "our" government is very effective at killing people, stealing from people, regulating people, brainwashing ("educating") the people to accept tax slavery.

Thanks for reading. Yeah, you - behind the palm plant.

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