Wednesday, April 12, 2006

We must be nuts

Well, it has been a while. Caught up in life.

What's new?
Immigration: I am convinvced that the root of so many problems is government. Let me explain. I can not fault people for wanting to better their circumstances - that is part of being human. I (and others I have spoken to) resent freeloaders. Citizens or not. Who creates the moral hazard for some people to live off of others (steal)? You guessed it - the government. Remove the welfare, medicaid and medicare, government schools and all of the other socialist policies that this monstrosity of ours has created, and people crossing the boarder would not be freeloaders.

Iran: Ah, another catastrophy in the wings brought to you by the whores and charlatans of our government. Remember "the Shah of Iran"? Covertly placed in power by our brave boys in the CIA. Just so happens that "we" over threw a democratically elected government to do it. Blow back. Sure, there is saber rattling going on, but "our" nut case in chief is just as crazy as their guy. And we have a bunch of "nucular" WMDs. If I were Iran, I would want them too!

The older I get, the more I believe that evil incarnate on a large scale is government - including "ours".

Happy tax day!

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