Saturday, December 31, 2005

View From The Belly Of The Beast

The thought that inspires me to add an entry today, the last day of 2005, is viewing the military empire of the United States of America from within.

JUNE 30, 2005"
Firstly, did you know that Guam, Puerto Rico, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and U. S. Virgin Islands are considered "territories" of the US? That is an interesting thought.

Secondly, some statistics. Active US Military personnel in:
Europe = 105,570
East Asia and Pacific = 80,755
North Africa, Near East, and South Asia (Not including Afghanistan, Iraq, or Kuwait) = 6,263

Thirdly, to sumarize the total number of US Military personnel outside of the US and its territories:
Total - Foreign Countries = 278,081

OK, what is the point? What does it mean to have 278,081 troops deployed throughout the world? It means that this country is a military empire.

As a tax slave of this government "voluntarily" giving it the earnings of my honest efforts, while still "permitted" to voice my objections, I have a message for King George and his minions: you are trespassing too far. There will be a revolt of the slaves against your arrogant and ignorant policies. "The revolution will not be televised". But it is happening in the minds of many of the free thinking slaves of this country. King Geo, unfortunatly, you have the Big Guns (paid for by us slaves), and as a result, I am afraid that your destruction of this county (and the world) will occur before the revolution can achieve its goals. Out of the ashes that you and yours will leave behind, I hope and believe that a remnant of peaceful individualists will raise the banner of Liberty and Freedom and will form a society not based on the force of the gun, but will be based on property rights, self ownership, and respect for life.

I hope that I survive your War On Humanity, to be a part of building a brighter future.

A few other related thoughts:
It is not all your fault Geo. Many treasonist bastards have come before you, democrat and republican. You are just continuing the War on Humanity.

The euphemism that you use, "Freedom and Democracy", truly stands for Fascism and Socialism - that is what this government represents in its actions. How dare you try to spread it.

How the ruler comes to power (democracy) is not important. Property rights and enforcement of those rights are what is important.

Final thought for today: King Geo and Lord Dick, you are guilty of the feolny to conspire to commit torture, and guilty of the felony of violating the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by directing the NSA to apply its survellance capabilities on US citizens without the judicial review required by law. As a result, you must be impeached and removed from office in disgrace. I have requested this from my Congressman and Senators. (I am sure they will do it!)

Unfortunatly, your replacements will undoubtedly be just as rotten as you are.

Thanks for reading.

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