Saturday, December 31, 2005

View From The Belly Of The Beast

The thought that inspires me to add an entry today, the last day of 2005, is viewing the military empire of the United States of America from within.

JUNE 30, 2005"
Firstly, did you know that Guam, Puerto Rico, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and U. S. Virgin Islands are considered "territories" of the US? That is an interesting thought.

Secondly, some statistics. Active US Military personnel in:
Europe = 105,570
East Asia and Pacific = 80,755
North Africa, Near East, and South Asia (Not including Afghanistan, Iraq, or Kuwait) = 6,263

Thirdly, to sumarize the total number of US Military personnel outside of the US and its territories:
Total - Foreign Countries = 278,081

OK, what is the point? What does it mean to have 278,081 troops deployed throughout the world? It means that this country is a military empire.

As a tax slave of this government "voluntarily" giving it the earnings of my honest efforts, while still "permitted" to voice my objections, I have a message for King George and his minions: you are trespassing too far. There will be a revolt of the slaves against your arrogant and ignorant policies. "The revolution will not be televised". But it is happening in the minds of many of the free thinking slaves of this country. King Geo, unfortunatly, you have the Big Guns (paid for by us slaves), and as a result, I am afraid that your destruction of this county (and the world) will occur before the revolution can achieve its goals. Out of the ashes that you and yours will leave behind, I hope and believe that a remnant of peaceful individualists will raise the banner of Liberty and Freedom and will form a society not based on the force of the gun, but will be based on property rights, self ownership, and respect for life.

I hope that I survive your War On Humanity, to be a part of building a brighter future.

A few other related thoughts:
It is not all your fault Geo. Many treasonist bastards have come before you, democrat and republican. You are just continuing the War on Humanity.

The euphemism that you use, "Freedom and Democracy", truly stands for Fascism and Socialism - that is what this government represents in its actions. How dare you try to spread it.

How the ruler comes to power (democracy) is not important. Property rights and enforcement of those rights are what is important.

Final thought for today: King Geo and Lord Dick, you are guilty of the feolny to conspire to commit torture, and guilty of the felony of violating the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by directing the NSA to apply its survellance capabilities on US citizens without the judicial review required by law. As a result, you must be impeached and removed from office in disgrace. I have requested this from my Congressman and Senators. (I am sure they will do it!)

Unfortunatly, your replacements will undoubtedly be just as rotten as you are.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Power is what Power does

Well, a lot has happened since my last post.

Our exaulted ruler apparently is a hypocrite by swearing to "uphold" the Constitution with His hand on the Bible. Read what he thinks of his oath:
  • 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'

  • I guess that I am not really surprised by his convictions. Power HATES chains preventing the accomplishments of its purposes, whatever they may be.

    And I am positive that aside from CongressmanRon Paul, the House and Senate share the rulers disregard of the organizing foundation of this government

    After all, its only words on paper.

    In other news...
    We now know that one of the last remaining "Homeland Security" alphabet agencies that wasn't already "evesdropping" on us cannon fodder, the NSA, has been joining the warrantless surveillance gang of agencies that are in our sandbox.

    Alberto "Constitution is an outdated document”Gonzales says the War Powers act allows the executive branch of the government to "Constitutionally" disregard the Constitution, therefore it must be True. We are fighting a few pissed off terrorists, don't ya know.

    There is nothing in the Constitution that grants the executive branch power to suspend the Constitution. And Congress can not legislate it in the form of the War Powers act.

    "Even good Ol' Abe Lincohn had to do it!" By gosh, he suspended the Writ of Habeus Corpus! Well he had to, you know, destroy the Union to forge a Nation! He Saved the Constitution by shreading it!

    If he can do it, his successors can too! And each time it goes farther and farther away from Liberty that Enlightens the World, to a fascist Nation of brown shirted el'Rushbo fanatics who trash any dissent by smears of "Unpatriotic America Hater". I'm sure the "opposition" party would do the same as well.

    Read this:
  • 'Impeach the scoundrel'

  • Power is what Power does.

    Thanks for reading.

    Thursday, December 08, 2005

    Well said

    “That which is not free is not responsible, and that which is not responsible is not moral. In other words, freedom is the condition of morality.” Thomas Davidson The Education of the Wage-Earners (New York: Ginn & Company, 1904), page 53

    Boiling Pots

    A few pots of water that we frogs are in (and the temperature is rising). I plan on addressing each and every one (and them some more) as time goes by.

    - Socialized medical insurance

    - Paper money

    - Police State - War on you and me

    - Federal guvment foriegn policy - War on everyone else

    - Socialized wealth distribution

    - Progressive income tax

    - Regulation and control of every aspect of your life

    - The definition of Freedom ("You are free to do what ever the guvment allows you to do" and what they allow you to do keeps shrinking)

    - Glorification of soldiers and the military ("the best and brightest")

    - etc, etc, etc.

    I just wonder when it will all come crashing down. I hope that out of the ashes, a Remnant will pick up the standard of Liberty, and forge a peaceful society (not at the point of a gun, W)

    Thanks for reading.

    Tuesday, December 06, 2005


    Thanks Earl for your comment. I look forward to spewing forth my thoughts.

    Regarding a comment heard on the 710 AM radio WOR Bob Grant Show: "How can we forget the terror of 911 - 3000 lives lost and the trauma felt by every American. So if we have to water board some terrorists, its worth it."

    Well, to hell with the bull sh*t about blame "America First".

    Why did the terrorists strike us?

    Unless we honestly answer this question, we can not remove the threat that terrorists pose.

    Who do you fear more - random terrorists or the US Guvment?

    Who has the greatest capability to pee on your cheerios?

    In my opinion, the US guvment is a much greater threat to my liberty, freedom and well being, than a terrorist.

    Taxes and regulations and myraid laws against consensual behavior are much more of a threat to me than a random plane or bomb.

    OK, I will ask the impolitic question: why do the terrorist want to kill themselves and hurt us? My answer is that the US guvment foriegn policy has stupidly stirred up a hornets nest of angry bees that only can respond by teriorist tactics.

    Yes, it is the policy of this guvment that creates the desire to stike out at our country.

    There I said it.

    Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Rielly, and Sean Hannity be damned.

    I am a tax paying American, and I absolutely resent the actions of this guvment regarding foriegn policy since the Spanish American war. Nobody asked me if I wanted to financially support an intrusive imerialistic nation. I don't. No choice, gun to my head.

    I wish I had the nerve to withold my "fair share" of income tax. What a socialistic fraud - the income tax.

    Speaking of fraud - how about out fiat paper worthless inflationary money system? More on this later.

    Enough rant for now. Thanks for reading.

    Sunday, December 04, 2005

    First thought

    In all of the noise, I have decided to add my own static to the chorus. First: in reality, there are no abstract groups like "the government", "whites", "blacks", etc...

    There are only individuals.

    We think and talk in abstractions, but this is just an illusion created by our minds. It is useful at times, but it can be a major problem at other times, like when deciding how to govern.

    This blog is about human nature, human action, history, government, and a bit of humor.

    My name is Ernie Demetrius Napdootle. I am an indvidual trying to make sense of life. Join me in my ruminations. I look forward to the journey.