Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Thanks Earl for your comment. I look forward to spewing forth my thoughts.

Regarding a comment heard on the 710 AM radio WOR Bob Grant Show: "How can we forget the terror of 911 - 3000 lives lost and the trauma felt by every American. So if we have to water board some terrorists, its worth it."

Well, to hell with the bull sh*t about blame "America First".

Why did the terrorists strike us?

Unless we honestly answer this question, we can not remove the threat that terrorists pose.

Who do you fear more - random terrorists or the US Guvment?

Who has the greatest capability to pee on your cheerios?

In my opinion, the US guvment is a much greater threat to my liberty, freedom and well being, than a terrorist.

Taxes and regulations and myraid laws against consensual behavior are much more of a threat to me than a random plane or bomb.

OK, I will ask the impolitic question: why do the terrorist want to kill themselves and hurt us? My answer is that the US guvment foriegn policy has stupidly stirred up a hornets nest of angry bees that only can respond by teriorist tactics.

Yes, it is the policy of this guvment that creates the desire to stike out at our country.

There I said it.

Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Rielly, and Sean Hannity be damned.

I am a tax paying American, and I absolutely resent the actions of this guvment regarding foriegn policy since the Spanish American war. Nobody asked me if I wanted to financially support an intrusive imerialistic nation. I don't. No choice, gun to my head.

I wish I had the nerve to withold my "fair share" of income tax. What a socialistic fraud - the income tax.

Speaking of fraud - how about out fiat paper worthless inflationary money system? More on this later.

Enough rant for now. Thanks for reading.

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