Thursday, December 08, 2005

Boiling Pots

A few pots of water that we frogs are in (and the temperature is rising). I plan on addressing each and every one (and them some more) as time goes by.

- Socialized medical insurance

- Paper money

- Police State - War on you and me

- Federal guvment foriegn policy - War on everyone else

- Socialized wealth distribution

- Progressive income tax

- Regulation and control of every aspect of your life

- The definition of Freedom ("You are free to do what ever the guvment allows you to do" and what they allow you to do keeps shrinking)

- Glorification of soldiers and the military ("the best and brightest")

- etc, etc, etc.

I just wonder when it will all come crashing down. I hope that out of the ashes, a Remnant will pick up the standard of Liberty, and forge a peaceful society (not at the point of a gun, W)

Thanks for reading.

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