Sunday, December 04, 2005

First thought

In all of the noise, I have decided to add my own static to the chorus. First: in reality, there are no abstract groups like "the government", "whites", "blacks", etc...

There are only individuals.

We think and talk in abstractions, but this is just an illusion created by our minds. It is useful at times, but it can be a major problem at other times, like when deciding how to govern.

This blog is about human nature, human action, history, government, and a bit of humor.

My name is Ernie Demetrius Napdootle. I am an indvidual trying to make sense of life. Join me in my ruminations. I look forward to the journey.


Earl Kinsley said...

I commend you for your efforts to reveal your individual thoughts to the community at large, and I encourage you to be as expressive and honest in cyberspace as you are in person. Welcome to the brave, new world of blogspace.

Ed Nelson said...

Thanks Earl!